It is always a proud moment for Management when we get the opportunity to promote the staff from within, and at Muntigs Bar & Restaurant at Batu Karang Lembongan Resort & Day Spa, we have had the recent chance to promote Tomi to Pastry Chef! Tomi has been with the Batu Karang Family for 5 years now, starting out in the hot kitchen. Impressed with Tomi, the Owner then asked her if she would consider moving to Assistant Pastry Chef with the previous Pastry Chef – of course she accepted! And has been happily baking breads, cakes, sweets, treats, and the likes starting before sunrise ever since! Executive Chef Matthias Beer was so impressed with her progress and efforts that when the position finally opened for her to move up, he jumped at the chance to give her more responsibility. And far from a grumpy Pastry Chef she is, always smiling and brightening the kitchen area, it is tough to find Tomi in any less of a mood other than happy. Does she cook at home? Sometimes, for her mother and father, but mostly she likes going out with the girls taking pictures when she is not hard at work! So please come visit us and know where the freshly baked breads, pizzas doughs, pitas, and the like come from – our ever-smiling Tomi.